Lansing  Michigan – Wind technicians who operate and maintain Vestas wind turbines have voted to Join Utility Workers Union of America.

This groundbreaking decision marks the first time Vestas wind technicians in North America have unionized.

“This victory is a big win for this group,” says Deirdre Brill, UWUA organizing director. “More and more renewable energy workers are recognizing how unions can help secure better, safer working conditions.”

The technicians continued to face  unsafe conditions, grueling 16-hour shifts and unsafe working conditions.

  As union members, , safety and training will be top priorities  as well as a pay raise. The union is committed to ensuring that those who keep the turbines running are protected on the job.The union is now prepares to negotiate their first contract. 

UWUA president James Slevin said “They were up against a strong anti-union campaign. The company pulled all the usual stunts to try to get them to vote against this union campaign. We welcome these Vestas wind techs to our membership and we look forward to addressing their key concerns when we sit down to negotiate their first contract.”

The Vestas wind techs manage operations and maintenance for 128 turbines, including major component replacements


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