Unions are under attack as never before. There are now a growing number of anti-union organizations across the country determined to eliminate prevailing rate and dues check-off. These anti-union groups are influencing the public through the media.

Right wing moguls are buying ads in papers, on the internet, radio, and TV.  Even here in our hometown of New York City there are dangerous forces out there, well financed, that are using the media to attack the middle class and unions.

LaborPress is unique. We tell the story of unions and working men and woman every day. LaborPress is the largest labor news network in the country. In addition to our presence on the internet, radio and video, we have launching a special labor section in the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. The NEWS sells about 300,000 copies on newsstands and reaches over 1 million digitally.  This project is a very important tool in the labor media tool box. But – it needs the financial assistance of those businesses that support unions and want to reach working New Yorkers.

Should you have a suggestion for a news story or interested in advertising in the LaborPress section of the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS call me at 646-591-6484 and CountMeIn.


2 thoughts on “Unions Are Under Attack as Never Before”

  1. But the Daily News despises my union, the UFT!! Any union related stuff they have in their rag is pure hypocrisy. If it were up to this rag, there would be more charter than traditional public schools.

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