Unions and community groups have come together in an effort to get the city to increase the availability of affordable housing. They rallied at City Hall the week of May 20, seeking an investment from the city of $2.5 billion in two programs run by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Six unions are on board, including DC37, the New York State Nurses Association, and the UFT. HPD’s Neighborhood Pillars program gives low-interest loans and tax exemptions to nonprofits to purchase and rehabilitate homes, and make half of the units permanently affordable housing and housing for the homeless, while Open Door funds new construction. UFT President Michael Mulgrew said the projects will “make our city more affordable, more livable and more equitable while creating new, high-paying jobs.”

Read the full story by Duncan Freeman for The Chief-Leader, published here: https://www.thechiefleader.com/stories/unions-call-for-affordable-housing-investments,52490


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