This article written by APWU President Mark Dimondstein first appeared in the September issues of the AMERICAN POSTAL WORKER magazine on September 16, 2022. President Dimonstein talks about remaining vigilant in the defense of APWU. Good postal jobs and our national treasure. No matter who sits in the White House, Wall Street is still Wall Street and the threat of privatization will continue says Dimondstein. “In June 2018 former President Trump advocated for the complete privatization of the Post Office, selling it to corporations for private profit. We built an impressive national fightback campaign. We educated, we took it to the streets, we took it to Capitol Hill, and we took it to the airwaves. A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service proved instrumental in the fightback. We have defeated these plans for now.”
This article can be viewed on the American Postal Workers Union website at: