The Senate Republican Budget Resolution

March 18, 2011
John L. Sampson, NYS Senator, 19th District

Last month, Governor Cuomo proposed a budget blueprint to change the way business is done in Albany. Senate Republicans passed a budget that was business as usual unbalanced and unsustainable spending without any way to pay for it. 

New York needs a responsible budget to create good-paying jobs, ensure our children are well educated, reform our health care system, and make New York more affordable for Middle Class families. Instead of meeting that standard and delivering on the Governor’s priorities, the Senate Republican budget protects the wealthy, cuts services to our most vulnerable New Yorkers, and fails to provide the relief our Middle Class families need. 

To hide their fiscal irresponsibility, Senate Republicans pushed through a backroom budget without the public oversight or bipartisan debate New Yorkers deserve anytime their money is being spent. Republicans promised change, but we are learning they don’t keep their word even when given in writing. Unfortunately, all we are seeing is more of the same broken promises and costly mistakes taxpayers can no longer afford.” 


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