Washington DC – “The National Association of Letter Carriers is outraged and angered by the assaults, armed robberies and even murders that America’s letter carriers increasingly face as they deliver the mail. These attacks are completely unacceptable. It is the job of the U.S. Postal Service to protect the safety of letter carriers as they serve their communities as per the U.S. Constitution, providing service to residents and businesses on a daily basis.

“While we will continue to engage with the Postal Service and relevant law enforcement agencies to develop measures that will enhance the safety of letter carriers, the fear and the danger that letter carriers are confronting has to end. NALC has no higher priority than their safety, and we demand real, immediate solutions to make sure employees are safe from the moment we enter the trucks in the morning to the time we leave the station at the end of the shift.

“We deeply appreciate the overwhelming and longstanding public support for letter carriers and ask anyone who notices anything suspicious or threatening in this regard to alert authorities.”


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