March 26, 2015
By UFCW Local 540 President Johnny Rodriguez
Dallas, Texas – Hard-working families need a leader in the White House who will stand up and fight for them. Ted Cruz is not that leader. Instead, he has spent his entire career hurting the families he is supposed to represent.
Let us be clear about Ted Cruz’s record. He co-sponsored a national law designed to silence the voice of workers, supports job-killing trade agreements like the TPP, blocked an increase in the federal minimum wage, and has repeatedly voted to discriminate against women, LGBT workers, and immigrants.
Hard-working men and women are not asking for much. They want a good job with fair pay, decent benefits, and respect. They want to provide for their families and save a little for retirement. A Ted Cruz presidency would make it harder for these families to survive and labor will do everything it can to make sure that never happens.