New York, NY – “A year after the rollback of Roe v. Wade, we are confronted with a court decision that further diminishes the social and racial advancements for equality that were long fought for.
Echoing the honorable Sotomayor and Brown-Jackson’s dissents, we have never been and can never be a colorblind society; America was built on the backs of slaves, and we feel the effects of inequality, segregation, and discrimination today.
Access to education and literacy was a significant inflection point in the fight for liberation that cannot be understated — a power that the Equal Protection Clause sought to uplift.
This decision will harm families seeking opportunities for upward mobility and fails to address the racial implications of maintaining legacy status as a factor in admissions.
Our Supreme Court is clearly disconnected from the history and current reality of our country, and we deserve life-long servants that reflect the needs of our communities.”