“Back to the Future” is one of those iconic Broadway shows based upon a film which is a delight for the entire family. The show is based upon the classic 1985 film which became a cult classic through of series of films. The true star of this Broadway musical is the DeLorean which takes you back to 1955. The lighting by Tim Finn Ross and Hugh Vanstone and illusion design by Chris Fisher as well as the energetic sound by Gareth Owen enables the audience to have their senses stimulated which brings them to 1955 and back to the present with an amazing ride of the DeLorean over the audience and then upside down and back to the future.

The script by Bob Gale from the original screenplay by Robert Zemeckis and Gale is well written and successfully transfers the original story to the Broadway stage. The songs by Alan Silvestri and Glen Ballard adds to the story. The Director, John Rando successfully integrates the story and special effects to provide the audience with the WOW factor.

“Back to the Future” is the story of Marty McFly and his new found friend DOC who accidently takes the time machine, The DeLorean, back to 1955 and meets his parents and attempts to bring his parents together so the future is not endangered.

Roger Bart excels as DOC Brown and embeds the role with uproars of comic delight. A true Tony performance.   Hugh Coles adeptly plays George McFly, Casey Likes is excellent as Marty McFly.

After the show I asked 22 members of the audience their opinion. The overall response was electrifying, entertaining, turbocharged and engrossing.

“Back to the Future” is creative and captivating is a  wonderful delight for the whole family.


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