Reid Wins at 768 in Rematch with DC 37 VP

December 15, 2011
Around Town – By Neal Tepel

Incumbent Fitz Reid, a Public Health Sanitarian, won re-election in a rematch against Darryl Ramsey, who he first ousted from office three years ago. While Ramsey was defeated as Local 768 President in 2008, he retained his DC 37 Vice Presidential seat on DC 37's Executive Board, which comes with a monthly stipend of $1800. In the mail balloting conducted by the American Arbitration Association, Reid had 384 votes to Ramsey's 185, with two other candidates, Robert Avner and James DeWindt III, receiving 39 and 41 votes respectively. The tally was announced at the Local 768 General Membership meeting Monday night.

The Union represents some 3,200 health care workers at DOHMH and the Health and Hospitals Corporation.

Reid's "Members First" slate carried every position, except for two which will be decided by runoff elections. Kari Wolf, a Psychiatric Social Worker at Bellevue Hospital, and member of the Mr. Reid's ticket, will face off against Public Health Advisor Zelma Brown in a mail ballot slated to be counted January 20th. In addition, a contest for an undecided spot on the Local's Executive Board pits Reid slate member Jaeme Cannon, a Pest Control Supervisor, against Lorraine Bailey, a Public Health Advisor.

Elected as Local 768 Executive Vice President was Esbeth Bradley, who defeated incumbent Dennis Stewart. Michele Wilson bested Annamarie Berry for the 2nd VP spot. Caroline Hilton was re-elected as Treasurer.

Reid's win came in the face of body blows to Local 768, including the layoffs of two-thirds of the represented Pest Control Workers by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Reid succeeded in getting funding for the positions restored by the City Council, but was only able to get a six-month reprieve for workers when DOHMH Commissioner Farley refused to spend the money the Council had restored.

But Reid won a significant arbitration victory recently when an arbitrator ruled that the City had not followed proper procedures when laying off the workers and would have to comply with contract language mandating meaningful review and consultation before union workers are laid off. The Reid arbitration played a role in the push by the City Council to dramatically strengthen contracting out oversight over City managers.


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