Albany, NY –  Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced a new partnership with the New York State Court System to create a pro bono network of volunteer lawyers providing New Yorkers with free legal assistance.

Governor Cuomo also issued a letter calling on the U.S. Treasury to ensure New Yorkers do not have their stimulus payments frozen by banks or seized by creditors as soon as they arrive.

“I understand the need to bring back the economy as quickly as possible and that people need to work, but more importantly we need to save lives,” Governor Cuomo said. “I want to make sure any decision we make to open the economy is based on what we’ve learned from our own experience and from other places around the globe. In the meantime, we have to make sure we’re helping the many people and businesses who are struggling and we’re partnering with the New York State Court System to organize lawyers statewide to provide pro bono legal assistance to help people with issues that they may have.”

Lawyers interested in volunteering can sign up at

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