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Unions Differ in 11th CD

…day. So, necessarily, building trades’ locals have to think a little bit differently than public employees.” The two most important issues for the building trades is the preservation of Davis-Bacon…

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DC 1707 Members Mobilize for Political Action

…voter ID will allow Mitt Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, McDonnell said that because of Pennsylvania’s strict photo ID voter law, approximately 500,000 votes might not be…

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Taxi Drivers Win Pay Raise and Lease Caps

…that’s a cut.” The roll call for the fare increase, however, didn’t occur without a bit of drama and performance. Remarkably, Commissioner Frank Carone simultaneously argued that drivers deserved an…

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Tips on evaluating a banking provider

…from union organizations looking to evaluate competing banking service providers.  Interestingly, the proposals we’ve seen of late vary greatly in content and complexity, which started me thinking that it might…

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John Liu Proposes 15,000 Jobs

May 10, 2012 By Marc Bussanich, LaborPress City Reporter The national unemployment rate recently dipped to 8.1 percent, but the City’s unemployment rate is unacceptably high. The City’s Comptroller, John…

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