

Seeking Common Ground

…be honest and admit that many of those jobs are not “the ones that no one wants,” but in many instances were the very jobs that were the mainstay of…

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NYC Considers Safety Bollards for Sidewalk

New York, NY — Elected officials, and transportation advocates now call on the City of New York to install pedestrian safety bollards along sidewalks in key areas of high pedestrian…

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Hail To The Corporatocracy!

…Equifax’s exposing 140 million people’s social security numbers and other personal data to hackers bent on identity theft, and countless instances where financial institutions needing to “make their numbers” or…

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‘Buzzing’ About Corporate Greed

New York, NY – On last night’s episode of LaborPress’ Blue Collar Buzz, we heard four instances where corporate greed LaborPress publisher Neal Tepel and labor attorney Neil Kalra on…

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Make ‘Safety’ The Buzz Word At Your Job

…of LaborPress’ Blue Collar Buzz on AM970. And wether suffering the lasting effects of 9/11-related respiratory diseases, or languishing under short-staffing conditions inside our vital courthouses — workers today, across…

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This Week’s Buzz: ‘Broken Shop’

…that hostility explodes in the face of non-union construction workers when they have the temerity to ask for things — like the paychecks they’ve earned, for instance. The ultra-chic 1,418…

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FOXCONN Deal Comes With Risks

installed nets on the high-rise dormitories it uses to house workers to prevent deaths from suicide. The intensity of the job drove workers to distraction and depression. The message: Even…

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