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Is It Time To Kill 421-a?

…and despite what the mayor said over the weekend, his supporters aren’t ready to give up on reforms that they maintain will net more affordable housing units for New York…

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‘We Need Day Care!’

June 10, 2015 By Joe Maniscalco These pre-schoolers are in danger of losing their day care. New York, NY – Parents of day care center kids all around town are…

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Say Goodbye to Democracy

May 6, 2015 By Thomas J. Mackell, Jr., Ed.D. Special Advisor to the International President, International Longshoreman’s Association North Bergen, NJ – Well it has begun. The Main Street supermarket…

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Tax Breaks Contribute To Inequality

December 17, 2014 By Neal Tepel Washington, DC – Taxpayer subsidies awarded to corporations by feederal, state and local governments, are fueling economic inequality. Giant companies owned by billionaires are…

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