April 7, 2015
By LaborPress
Following in the footsteps of Scott Walker, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill April 2 that prohibits local school districts from automatically deducting union dues from teachers’ paychecks. “This bill simply helps get the state out of the business of collecting union dues,” Fallin spokesperson Alex Weintz said in a statement.
Oklahoma Education Association President Linda Hampton responded that the law was “about attempting to silence the voices of education employees," especially on school-choice vouchers and high-stakes testing. "I am tired of hearing 'I love teachers, but,'" said Ed Allen, president of the Oklahoma City American Federation of Teachers. "Your actions speak louder than words. I am tired of hearing 'but.'" He estimated that the law, which goes into effect Nov. 1, would cost the union $12,000 a year. Read more