October 23, 2014
LaborPress Editorial
By Joe Maniscalco

Karen Magee, David Pollak and Lou Gordon.
Karen Magee, David Pollak and Lou Gordon.

New York, NY – NYSUT President Karen Magee registered the longest drive of the day while striking a blow for teacher tenure at the Business and Labor Coalition of New York’s annual golf outing recently held at the New York Country Club in New Hempstead.

Magee joined David Pollak, director of marketing and investor relations at Pegasus Capital Advisors, LP, in co-chairing the BALCONY event, which is intended to cultivate common ground between business and labor on critical public policy issues and initiatives throughout New York State.

Following a successful trip around the links, the head of NYSUT stressed the importance of teacher tenure and how it helps safeguard children’s rights to an effective education by providing educators the freedom to advocate on behalf of their students without fear of reprisal, as well as their right to speak out about issues critical to New York student’s education – such as over-testing, outdated textbooks and cuts to academic programs. 

Pollak, meanwhile, discussed the unique and critical role the Business and Labor Coalition of New York plays in helping BALCONY’s members to achieve significant gains in their sector, while simultaneously supporting and bolstering positive public policy efforts that benefit all New Yorkers.

BALCONY director Lou Gordon emphasized BALCONY’s commitment to protecting teacher tenure as well as continuing to ensure that business can grow and flourish in New York State.

More than 80 individuals from organizations representing New Yorkers from all sectors and walks of life attended the outing. 

Team OMCE – Organization of Management and Confidential Employees – took first place honors in the golf outing, posting a minus 16 under par.


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