
Sides are squaring off regarding the proposal for a new high-speed rail route between New York City and Boston. President Biden’s infrastructure act has brought funds to projects throughout the nation, and this particular one holds promise for those who commute or simply travel in the heavily trafficked northeast. At the head of the idea is the Northeast High-Speed Rail Coalition, which says the Amtrak ride between Manhattan and Boston would decrease from the current four hours to just 100 minutes. This proposal differs from those in the past in that it has the backing of labor unions, who see it as a job creator. This group includes construction advocates, rail operation unions, as well as political officials. However, there is some pushback from environmental advocates regarding one of the routes through Long Island Sound, who worry that a new tunnel beneath that area would threaten the ecosystem, which is experiencing a renaissance.

Read the full story by Stephen Nessen for Gothamist, published here:


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