“Jack Black” whose real name is Jim Teague, had already exaggerated work he had done for the United Steelworkers when he switched sides. Working within his company, Sparta, he then made millions as a consultant for companies engaged in the now standard forms of union-busting – one-on-one forced meetings, lying to workers trying to organize about how a union would affect them, and many other under-handed tactics. “Union avoidance” is the nearly Orwellian term for what these consultants are hired by companies to implement as workers around the country continue to rise up. Teague’s firm targeted a small company, Motor Appliance Co., and managed to defeat unionizing efforts, utilizing layers of deceit and even bringing in other consultants with false names.
Read the full story by Dave Jamieson for the Huffington Post, published July 24, 2023, here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/workers-wanted-a-union-then-the-mysterious-men-showed-up_n_64b7dd60e4b0dcb4cab68347