Letter to the Editor – Fiscal Crisis Must be Addressed
April 6, 2011
By Schoenau Charles
As you probably know, I have read almost every Laborpress article and have responded to some. To be frank, I did not expect you to publish one of my “Letters to the Editor”, probably because I incorrectly assumed that my viewpoint would be excluded because it was “extreme” or at the very least, not in concert with the tenor of most of Laborpress articles.
Neal, you have earned my respect, not because you published my response, but because I noticed tonight when I looked at your “Letters to the Editor section” for the first time, that you have a number of articles with sharply diverging disagreeing viewpoints.
At the same time, I am discouraged that I do not see a simple or semi direct way to get your readers or the citizens of the State of New York all heading at least in the same direction. To me, the fiscal crisis looms like an unfathomable tsunami coming at Federal, State, and Local governments. In my opinion, the labor and liberal position pretends that there is no fiscal crisis and everything will be fine if we continue to wait for the tsunami to hit and pass; at the same time I am not sure that the business or conservative prescriptions can do enough to materially ameliorate the horrendous consequences of the rapidly approaching fiscal tsunami.
Best wishes for good health and better outcomes for all of us!