Lake Success, NY— LaborPress’s Annual Apprentice Awards ceremony brought out hundreds of people to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ Local 282 union hall on June 20th to celebrate the excellence of a new cohort of up-and-coming trades workers.
The honorees included 15 apprentices, who were chosen by their unions for rising to the moment during the apprenticeship process. Each of the apprentices came recommended by their business manager and training director.
“These are the top students who make the commitment to these three-to-five-year training programs. While they’re in school, they’re working on the job and building skills in very specific tasks. We recognize them every year because they’re the best of the best,” said Neal Tepel, the publisher of Laborpress.
The event also recognized training directors from each of the 15 locals represented at the awards ceremony.
“These training programs are the most skilled in the world, and there is no training without the training experts,” said Neal Tepel.
The apprentice honorees include:
Thomas Gallagher of IUOE Local 15, who was chosen for his dedication, work ethic, eagerness to learn, and generosity towards those with which he works.
Peter Gancitano of Carpenters Local 926, who was chosen for his care, ability to collaborate and positive attitude.
Vincent Ruggiero of Ironworkers Local 580, who was chosen for the work ethic he exercised on the job, and in the classroom, along with applying himself to the challenge of a 5-year program.
Eric Seelin of IBEW Local 25, who was chosen for his commitment to his trade, his work ethic, and his service to our country, which ultimately brought him to a union trade through the non-profit organization Helmets to Hardhats.
Gianna Schwarz of BAC Local 7 Tile, Marble and Terrazzowork, who was chosen for her outstanding work ethic and focus in learning her trade with true dedication and zeal.
Christine Job of Steamfitters 638, who was chosen for her exceptional attitude and being ready to learn and do the necessary hard work to advance her skills.
Adrian Mithcell’s of IUOE Local 30, who was chosen for his consideration for his colleagues, his care for the craft and passion in the field.
Auriello Ordelon of Cement and Concrete Workers Local 6a, who was chosen for his perseverance, pride in his work and integrity.
Joseph Serrapica of Local 94, who was chosen for his aptitude for the craft and his attitude to never settle, especially when it comes to his education.
Juan Carlos of Marine Insulators Local 12, who was chosen for his seriousness about the craft of insulation and his genuine interest in the field.
Kathryn Going SMART Local 137, who was chosen for her passion, quick aptitude for learning and sharp eye for detail. Her quest for excellence in her family’s generational trade is contagious.
Stephanie Gomez of SMART Local 28, who was chosen for her enthusiasm about learning new things and her dedication to being well-rounded and useful on the worksite.
Zachary Ris of Ironworkers Local 46, who wa chosen for his drive, dedication and attention to detail.
Miles Blaney of Carpenters Local 157, who was chosen for his patience, positive outlook, care for his coworkers and exceptional craftsmanship.
Sharif Mansour, of Millwright and Machinery Erectors Local Union 740, who was chosen for his persistence to learn the minutiae of the trade and the analytic reasoning.