DC 9 is recruiting for apprentices in two areas: painters of structural steel and paperhangers.

Structural steel tradesmen work on  bridges.The 750 apprentice applications will be distributed  from March 24 to April 4, on a first-come basis.

Paperhanger apprentices will be recruited from April 7 through 18, or until 500 applications have been given out.

Applications will be distributed at the Finishing Trades Institute of New York, at 45-15 36 St. in Long Island City, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during the  recruitment periods. Applications for the painting apprenticeships will also be distributed  on Wednesday until 5:30pm.

Applicants must be at least 18 and  have a high school diploma or equivalent. They must be able to read and understand English. There are also other requirements.The union seeks 75 painters and 50 paperhangers.

Information about apprenticeships in NYS are posted on the state Department of Labor website:  dol.ny.gov/apprenticeship/overview.

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