
The stories of assaults on transit workers have filled the news cycle for years now. And yet a proper response by the MTA has been lacking, even as the level and frequency of violence has increased. Now, the NYC School of Global Public Health has produced new research, detailing the statistics of the workers’ response to a survey about their own experiences. Some of the worst are the February slashing of a conductor’s throat, which barely missed his artery, and who was only saved by the random presence of a doctor on the train. Only six months ago, a female worker was hit in the face with a glass bottle. There are many other examples, with 9 out of 10 city transit workers reporting they have been assaulted or harassed on the job. The Transport Workers Union Local 100 partnered with the researchers to survey the Local’s members. The interim president of NYC Transit strongly disputed the findings, saying the report uses “flawed methodology.”

Read the full story by Crystal Lewis, published August 21, 2024, here:,52935


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