
Just as in its bombshell ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, the now highly conservative Supreme Court, stacked as it is with three of Trump’s appointees, is taking aim at the rights of workers. Some of these are established precedents in workers’ favor, and have been for decades. Distinguished writer Steven Greenhouse weighed in on the matter, writing in The Guardian that the court is now “anti-worker and anti-union.” This comment is borne out in many examples, one being when in June, the justices ruled in favor of Starbucks’ firing of seven employees, even though the workers said they were terminated because they were working to unionize. The NLRB lost the case, and Starbucks Workers United President Lynne Fox said that the judgement “underscores how the economy is rigged against working people.”

Read the full story by Michael Arria for TruthOut, published July 10, 2024, here:


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