
Category: Transportation

Transient Taxes for Transit

February 29, 2012By Marc Bussanich, LaborPress City Reporter The Hudson River Valley business community’s chorus opposed to the MTA Payroll Tax rang all the way down to the southern tip

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NICE Bus to Implement Service Changes

February 28, 2012By Marc Bussanich, LaborPress City Reporter LaborPress reported in early January the new labor contract TWU Local 252 reached with the new private bus operator, Veolia Transportation Services, after

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Republicans line up for the MTA

February 16, 2012By Neal Tepel State Senator Martin J. Golden (R,C,I –Brooklyn) and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R,C-Brooklyn, Staten Island) had a convivial session with a dozen unions representing the workforce

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Lhota Meets Labor

December 24, 2011By Neal TepelNo one among the fifty-odd labor leaders assembled in DC 37’s 5th Floor conference room could remember a comparable event: Virtually every union representing MTA workers

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TWU Local 100 Demands Wage Increases

December 16, 2011By Marc Bussanich, LaborPress City ReporterOutside the MTA’s offices at 2 Broadway about 2,000 TWU Local 100 members and a host of leaders from different unions in solidarity

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Jay Walks

July 21, 2011 Statement from TWU Local 100 President John Samuelsen on the resignation of MTA Chairman Jay Walder 

“Transit workers won’t miss Jay Walder and quite frankly will be

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