
Category: Finance

Watch Out For The Party Poopers

December 6, 2013 By Salvatore J. Armao, CPA/PFS, CFP, CFE Managing Partner, Armao LLP The Department of Labor recently completed a round of audits of collectively bargained apprenticeship and other

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Raising Water Rates Again is Unacceptable

October 22, 2013 By Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer  New York, NY — “The announcement that New Yorkers will be burdened with another water rate increase is unacceptable and unsustainable.

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NYS Revenue Increasing

September 24, 2013 By Stephanie West Albany, NY – Tax revenues for the first five months of the state fiscal year were $69.8 million over updated budget projections, according to

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Federal Legislative Update

September 23, 2013 By Stephanie West Washington, DC – H.J. Res 59 keeps funding through December 15th at a level of $986.3 billion that assumes a continuation of the across-the-board

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Farmers Need Support

September 13, 2013 By Congressman Paul Tonko The Farm Bill is set to expire at the end of September. That means, if Congress doesn’t act now, the law reverts back

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