
Category: Features

Mexican Workers Protest NAFTA Renegotiations

Mexico City, D.F.—As talks on renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement began in Washington Aug. 16, workers from several leading Mexican labor unions marched in Mexico City, demanding “a

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Let’s Fix What’s Broken

All of us have heard, and probably used at some time in our lives, the old expression: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” There is no doubt, that as

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Idaho Silver Strike Enters Sixth Month

Mullan, Idaho—Members of United Steelworkers Local 5114 have been on strike at the Lucky Friday silver mine here since March 13, resisting major concessions demanded by Hecla, the mine’s owner.

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San Diego County Workers Prepare for Possible Strike

San Diego, Calif.—The largest union of San Diego County employees is preparing for a possible strike, after working almost two months under an expired contract. Service Employees International Union Local 221, which represents about 10,000 of the county’s 17,000 employees, including librarians, social workers, and nurses, announced Aug. 11 that 90% of its members had voted to authorize a walkout.

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