April 28, 2014
By Sean McGarvey, President of North America’s Building Trades Unions

Washington, DC — The following statement was released by Sean McGarvey, President of North America’s Building Trades Unions, in reaction to the announcement by the US Department of State to further extend the comment period for the review of the Keystone XL pipeline:

“The actions by the Obama Administration to further extend the review process for the Keystone XL pipeline is a cold, hard slap in the face for hard working Americans who are literally waiting for President Obama’s approval and the tens of thousands of jobs it will generate.

Despite this administration’s own findings that the Keystone project will result in significant economic benefits to our country, President Obama has placed politics over substantive policy that only serves to advance the agenda of well funded radical environmentalists.

Where does this leave the President’s actual core constituency of working Americans? Why does President Obama continue to side with radicals instead of the middle class that, twice, put him office, and supports this project by a significant majority?

It’s ironic that at the same time billionaire conservatives are coming under increasing scrutiny and criticism by the left for their involvement in politics, there is nary a word about the political spending by liberal billionaires that negatively impact the job prospects and livelihoods of working class Americans.”


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