July 24, 2014
By Stephanie West
Chicago, IL – Under the banner, "Bold, Brave, and Determined," over 4000 members of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees discussed the impact of recent attacks on public sector unions at their International Convention. The event took place in Chicago July 14-18. The AFSCME delegates represented locals throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
AFSCME announced at the convention that a six-month campaign to increase membership had resulted in more than 92,000 non-members signing membership cards to join the union. AFSCME is a leader in the organizing of workers with 1.6 members.
The convention delegates rallied mid-week in support of 12,000 Chicago cab drivers who are attempting to organize a local union with AFSCME. Among the other efforts highlighted at the convention was the struggle of 22,000 University of California workers, members of Local 3299, who walked out on strike twice in the past 18 months before winning the best contracts they've ever had.