June 10, 2014
By John Zogby

"The White House miscalculated the response to the release of Sgt. Bergdahl and the trade with the Taliban. The president held firm explaining his 'sacred duty' to leave no soldier behind. But now the president and the sergeant will face the music. Still, Bergdahl is free, something many of the president's critics have been demanding for months.

"Something tells this humble pollster that the five released Taliban prisoners have tracking devices and their own personalized drones ready to strike, in which case the biggest losers in all of this may be those 350 poor virgins in Heaven who are assigned to these ugly monsters.

"Job growth stayed steady and the unemployment rate held at 6.3 percent because almost 200,000 Americans joined or re-joined the labor force.

"And the European Union has agreed to tougher sanctions against Russia, but the Bergdahl issue overshadows everything else, including the president's trip to Europe. Thus, not a good week."


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