The notorious group of buildings, also known as the “projects” in New York City, have been known for decades for their unlivable conditions for residents, including rats, no heat, collapsing walls and ceilings, and a host of other ways that those in these buildings have to endure. Now, two former superintendents have been convicted of bribery and extortion charges at several NYCHA developments in Manhattan. Hector Colon had used his job to extract illegal monies from would-be contractors. “When public servants demand payoffs from vendors providing services to the New York Housing Authority, they drive up the cost of these services, diverting valuable resources from the residents of public housing,” said city Department of Investigation Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber. And the residents are due these monies to vastly improve their lives.

Read the full story by Crystal Lewis for The Chief-Leader, published:,53476?


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