
As you examine adding a fertility and family building plan to your benefits, it’s easy to view this type of coverage through a narrow lens. After all, isn’t fertility coverage designed to take a person from point A (not pregnant) to point B (pregnant)?

There’s a little more to it than that.

A truly comprehensive fertility benefit takes a holistic approach that encourages prospective parents to make healthy choices long before they begin trying to conceive. Such a benefit should also consider a woman’s health care needs during and following her pregnancy, and extend into critical perimenopause and menopause phases.

Care during all these seasons of life is a win-win for both fund administrators and union members. Not only does it lead to a better quality of life for America’s working families, but it also helps save money on healthcare costs. A comprehensive fertility benefit will encourage your members to make positive choices that lead to healthier pregnancies and reproductive health, leading to better outcomes throughout their entire life.

A closer look at comprehensive fertility coverage

The best-in-class benefits offered by Progyny begin with preconception education and outreach, helping prospective parents of all genders make the smart lifestyle choices, that are scientifically proven, to support healthy pregnancies (eating a nutritious diet, addressing associated health risks, getting adequate sleep, etc.). They also provide resources to guide prospective parents as they navigate the world of fertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Once pregnant, a birthing parent’s needs transition to a different care focus. Through our Pregnancy and Postpartum program, Progyny members have access to dedicated maternity coaches with at least six years of experience in high-risk labor and delivery. With this coaching and other educational resources, Progyny members receive valuable prenatal nutrition and lifestyle guidance. They receive one-to-one support for managing and tracking pregnancy milestones, guidance on addressing risk factors (such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia), and emotional support throughout their pregnancy journey. And they’re supported beyond delivery, with postpartum care, return to work resources, and everything they need to adjust to life as the parent of the newest member of your growing labor family.

Mental health is also a key area of focus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly one in five women will experience a mental health condition during pregnancy or in the year after giving birth. Of those women, 20% will have suicidal thoughts or engage in acts of self-harm. Progyny plan members have a Patient Care Advocate (PCA) by their side to connect them with mental health professionals within a fund’s benefits ecosystem as needed.

The benefits of fertility coverage don’t end with the postpartum period. Women may begin to experience perimenopause symptoms as early as their mid-30s to early 40s, and the economic effects are staggering: A 2023 study by the Newson Health Menopause Society found that 59% of perimenopausal and menopausal women reported missed workdays due to symptoms, and $25 billion in annual health costs can be attributed to menopause symptoms. Progyny menopause benefits start with education to reduce the all-too-common stigma of even talking about menopause, offering members vital support in a time that often coincides with major career milestones.

A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that perimenopausal and menopausal women also experienced 47% higher medical costs than necessary. Progyny’s Menopause and Midlife care includes access to OB-GYNs, nurses, and nutritionists who specialize in menopausal issues (a small segment of the overall women’s health universe), helping women find relief sooner and without the costs associated with bouncing from specialist to specialist in the search for that relief.

Babies are wonderful, but their parents need some love, too. Providing a comprehensive fertility benefit is a caring, supportive choice unions can either offer themselves or fight for at the bargaining table to ensure your labor family is cared for from start to finish as they work to grow their own.

Interested in learning more about a fully supported fertility experience for your members? Contact Stacey Hofert ( | 847-372-9959) or Ron Abrahall, RN ( 631-294-2012). You can also book a demo at

Ron Abrahall has held both elected and appointed union positions since 1982. He has served as a representative for the New York State Nurses Association, a former president of USW 9544, past President of BMFNHP AFT/ NYSUT, NYPD officer and a Neuro-Surgical Intensive Care RN.

Ron Abrahall


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