April 4, 2011
At the outset of the budget process, we urged the Governor and State Legislature to adopt a budget that treats New York City equitably and provides the mandate relief and reform that would allow us to absorb the State’s heavy cuts. This budget agreement appears to fail on both counts, and worse, it passes heavy new costs down to the City. Voters should remember that New York City was singled out by Albany and eliminated from the revenue sharing program, while other localities took no more than a three percent cut.
“We appreciate that some of the cuts in education aid were restored. But make no mistake: the final budget still cuts New York City more than ever before. The restorations are merely a fraction of the $600 million necessary to avoid additional layoffs and cuts in the City’s budget beyond what was announced in February for the upcoming fiscal year.
“While the outcome is disappointing and the results will be painful, it is encouraging that the Governor and State Legislature have worked together to produce an on-time budget. We hope that same spirit of collaboration leads to action on the hard work that remains to enable the City to do more with less: by stopping pension costs from skyrocketing further with a new tier for the City and ending the last in, first out law that exacerbates the negative impact of Albany’s teacher layoffs on our public school children.”


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