HARRISBURG, Pa., – With news on Tuesday, June 27th that the United States Supreme Court ruled against unions on  Janus vs. AFSCME Council 31 in a 5-4 decision, tensions were high throughout the labor community across the USA.

In deciding the case,  the justices  flouted more than four decades of legal precedent by striking a blow to the rights of working people. The Janus case is just one part of a multi-pronged strategy orchestrated by ultra-right wing and corporate special interests to pick-off union members and suppress workers’ rights through a deceitful campaign.

“Businesses are not mandated to give away goods and services free of charge to whomever walks through their door. But labor unions are legally required to represent every working person in a workplace, regardless of their membership-status.  Every worker benefits from the terms of the union contract, and fair share fees cover the cost of that representation and negotiation.  We know that union contracts lift up wages and improve conditions for all workers.  The dark money that has bankrolled this case and subsequent decision, will not sway us from fighting for economic dignity and the rights working people deserve,” stated Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale.

Secretary-Treasurer Frank Snyderremarked  said “Let’s be clear, no one is ever forced to join a union, nor is anyone ever forced to pay a single cent to support political activity.  Membership dues and fair share fees go to the cost of representing workers’ voices, defending their rights at work, and negotiating collective bargaining agreements that respect their labor.  A court case will not stop us from organizing new members and mobilizing those who understand exactly what is at stake.”


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