June 7, 2012
Around Town By Neal Tepel

Speaker Sheldon Silver, Assemblyman Michael DenDekker, and Minority Leader Brian Kolb have announced passage of an Assembly resolution (K.1402) observing the 10th anniversary of the completion of recovery efforts at the World Trade Center site and commemorating the resilient spirit of all the men and women who helped New York overcome great adversity following the events of September 11, 2001.

“Following the world-changing events of September 11th, the men and women who worked and volunteered at Ground Zero demonstrated the resolve felt by all New Yorkers and Americans,” said Silver. “Their hard work reflected our dedication to come together to rebuild and restore Lower Manhattan.”

“We honor the outpouring of selfless heroism by those working at the World Trade Center site,” said DenDekker. “I am immensely proud to join with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in honoring the compassion and strength of the many individuals who contributed to the recovery efforts.”

“Ten years ago, we marked the end of rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero,” said Kolb. “In pausing to pay tribute to those heroes who courageously and selflessly gave of their time, their energy, and even their personal health to support these efforts, we are inscribing in the record books that their courage and sacrifice is forever respected and appreciated by all who call New York State their home.”

A copy of this resolution will be given to the National September 11th Memorial and Museum.


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