LET THERE BE A NEW DAY IN LABOR – A Call for Accountability Amongst Elected Officials

June 3, 2011
By Renee Collymore

Renee Collymore, a prominent voice in Brooklyn and President of the Parliament Democratic Club is active on several issues, but particularly, labor unions. She's on their side and she's making noise for the respect of all unions across the City of New York and here is what she had to say:

"Labor unions are the hardest working people in our City and yes, they all move New York. If it wasn't for the unions and their dedicated members who keep New York in operation, we all would be most miserable and it is time for them to receive their several requests that they have before our State Legislature.

It's an outrage that year after year candidates are elected and re elected to political office, yet, many of the very ones who were awarded endorsements have not come through, on their promises.

When endorsed by a labor union, you will be sure to have support unimaginable, which will include the hundreds of union members that will be released into the streets to campaign for the biggest primary or election day operation that you've ever seen. Given that, our unions should NOT have to beckon ANY elected official repeatedly for legislation to protect and aid their members.

Labor Unions espouses a set of values such as solidarity, equality, disregard for elitism, and democracy, which is the backbone of American culture. Therefore, candidates running upholding such values should be prime for a potential endorsement, according to the agenda of the labor movement.

With this understanding, the solution to this problem is simple…make the candidate work BEFORE receiving an endorsement proving him or herself worthy of ANY labor support, and to those who have already received union support yet, have NOT worked on the behalf of the union, strip them of any further assistance then challenge their elected seats.

 Many labor unions are being taken advantage of and "money well" is being drained dry by supporting "do nothing politicians" Therefore, a clear message must be sent. It is time for labor to begin running a tighter ship, so that everyone who is elected to political office will remember who put them there in the first place…WE,THE PEOPLE!"


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