May 18, 2015
By George Miranda

NEW YORK, NY –This review needs to be unbiased. It is not just the law, it is only fair to the 300 immigrant families who will lose everything if their jobs are taken away.

It is disgraceful that the mayor's office chose a company that supports the carriage ban, and a company that is being paid by Steve Nislick, and a company that could profit if the bill passes to evaluate how this will impact our members.

Langan has every reason to downplay how these workers will be hurt. Why else did they wait until six months into the study of impacts before reaching out to the only people who will be impacted?

The administration's comments do not pass the laugh test or their legal obligations to the people of New York. There is no RFP visible on the City website – Langan was handpicked. The claim that the administration is protecting this company's First Amendment right to fix a legally-mandated, taxpayer-funded review was obviously not run by a lawyer.

It is on the City Council to see this sham for what it is and reject this bill.

George Miranda is president of the Teamsters Joint Council 16.


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